Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Modern Elizabethan hairstyles

I decided to look at some hairstyles that I think would be modern versions of Elizabethan style. Many looks and styles are based on this style nowadays with catwalks using hairstyles such as braids, plaits and using accessories in the model's hair. Even for events such as weddings and parties, hairstyles such as fishtails plaits and braids are very popular. All of this originated from the Elizabethan era in which Queen Elizabeth I changed fashion and style and became what we now see as a fashion icon. The Queen herself loved hairstyles such as braids, high buns and even backcombed hair.

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    This first image shows a very detailed bun at the back of the model's head. The style looks like the model is wearing a loose but pinned bun at the bottom of her head with all of her hair at the front being slipped back. Around the bun, there is a pattern where her hair looks like small circles which would have been created by wrapping the hair around the bun and creating small circles by placing elastics in certain places. The hairstylist has added some accessories which I think make it look more Elizabethan as Queen Elizabeth loved wearing things in her hair, especially pearls.

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    The second image shows a very contemporary braid starting at the front of the head. Elizabethans liked wearing their hair in braids or plaits but it wouldn't have looked too similar to this. The braids that they would have worn during that era would have been more at the bottom of their hair rather than the front although they did enjoy having the front of their hair in a heart shape in which they often plucked their hairline back in order to achieve this and this hairstyle kind of shows the heart shape at the front of the model's head, before the plait starts. I could imagine seeing this hairstyle on a catwalk or in a fashion magazine. I like how the hairstylist has pulled a small piece of hair down either side of the model's head.

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    A hairstyle that Elizabethans quite liked was a fishtail plait. It was more common for the plaits to be at the end of the hair rather at the front like in the previous style. This reminds me of a hairstyle a wealthy woman during that era would have worn. I really like this type of hair design as I think it looks very classy but it is also a style you could wear to a party or something you would see in a fashion magazine. I also like how the hair isn't too tight and it quite loose as it gives it a more edgy look whereas I think a very tight plait and slicked hair would be suited to more of a catwalk look.

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    Another example of a plait near the front of the hair. This plait isn't directly at the front of the head as there is a bit of hair showing but it is similar. I could imagine Queen Elizabeth wearing her hair like this when sitting on the throne with her crown on top. The hair at the back has been brought round and tucked into the plait at the front of the model's hair. I think this hairstyle is more contemporary as I don't think this style of plait would be something you would have seen in the Elizabethan era but it is very similar to a sort of style that would have been popular back then.

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    Again, this is a hairstyle that I could imagine Queen Elizabeth having. She was known for mostly having her hair curly whenever she wore it down and it looked very similar to this but ginger. Buns were also popular during her reign and she quite often would her hair in one. I like this combination where her hair is half up and half down. I think the style does look more contemporary as this style of bun looks very modern like she is using a bun ring in her hair.

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    This is a very contemporary hairstyle but I can see how it has been taken from an Elizabethan look. A very popular hairstyle during the era was to wear the hair in two big backcombed buns that almost look like a heart on top of the head so that part looks very Elizabethan but the designers have added a full fringe (which was not known at all during the Elizabethan era) and they have added a bow on top of the buns and added some white to the model's fringe. This is my favourite hairstyle out of them all because I really like how contemporary it looks but also how you can tell it has been taken from an Elizabethan hairstyle.

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